Goals Reimagined

This site is a long term goal, I have made sites in the past from scratch. I have used builders to make my site but the thing of it is that I don’t feel you should spend all of your time on your website. I am a maker and creator and content generator but I don’t want the medium to take so much of my life that I don’t have time to make better things.

Simple concept I know but I will be updating this site frequently. My goals right now are to set my self up so that when I do retire from the military I can dedicate myself to this 100%

Simple Goals:

  1. Create Site

  2. Create core group of products and make stock to pull from

  3. Expand my portfolio of retirement/going away gifts

  4. Expand into the real estate gift sector to capitalize on the housing market success.

  5. Continue to look for ways to help others on there journeys to find there passion!